Safer Firecrackers Allowed From 8 To 10 pm On Diwali By Supreme Court

Amid huge concerns over pollution, firecrackers have been allowed by the Supreme Court, but with conditions. Only less polluting crackers will be allowed, for a limited time and in designated areas, the court said, rejecting an outright ban.

On Diwali, crackers will be allowed for two hours, from 8 pm to 10 pm, and on Christmas and New Year, people can burst firecrackers between 11:55 pm and 12:30 am.

“Only crackers with reduced emission will be allowed and they can be sold through licenced holders,” the judges said, rejecting an outright ban.

“We tried to strike a balance,” the court commented, taking note of the popularity of crackers during festivals and weddings.

Crackers cannot be sold online and if they are, the sites will be hauled up for contempt.

A petition had sought a ban on the manufacture and sale of firecrackers across the country to curb air pollution.

A bench of Justices AK Sikri and Ashok Bhushan had reserved its verdict on August 28.

The top court had said that the Article 21 of the constitution on the Right to Life applied to people as well as firecracker manufacturers and a balance was needed while considering a countrywide ban on firecrackers.

On October 9 last year, the court had temporarily banned the sale of firecrackers ahead of Diwali.

Here are 10 thing that you should know:

1) On October 9 last year, the Supreme Court temporarily banned the sale of firecrackers ahead of Diwali.

2) The court refused to relax its order and dismissed a plea moved by traders. In wake of the temporary ban, the traders were seeking permission to sell crackers for at least a day or two before Diwali last year.

3) The court had said that the limited ban on firecrackers during Diwali was an experiment to examine its effect on the pollution levels.

4) In the past, the Supreme Court had said that while deciding on a ban on firecrackers, it is important to take into account all aspects, including the fundamental right of livelihood of firecracker manufacturers and the right to health of over 1.3 billion people of the country.

5) The court had said that Article 21 (right to life) of the Constitution applies to both segments of people (firecracker manufacturers and general public) and it needs to maintain a balance while considering a countrywide ban on firecrackers. For this, the court also asked the central government to suggest ways through which pollution can be curbed and what will be the effect of firecrackers on the public at large.

6) On August 8 this year, the court observed that a spike in PM 2.5 levels in the air is a severe problem as the particulate matter remains in people’s lungs, leading to serious health implications.

7) In their contention, firecrackers manufacturers had argued that the use of firecrackers should not be completely banned. They said their use should rather be strictly regulated.

8) On whether firecrackers are the main contributors to air pollution in the national capital and adjoining areas during winter, the manufacturers contended that crackers are not the reason for increase in air pollution. They said there are other factors, like wind and temperature, which contribute to it.

9) They have said the firecracker manufacturers can be deprived of their right to do business based on statements which were not supported by facts.

10) Every year during winter, the air quality in Delhi worsens to alarming levels, turning the city into a gas chamber. Stubble burning in Punjab and Haryana, along with firecrackers during Diwali, vehicular pollution and construction activities are the primary reasons for this.

Supreme Court Verdict on Firecrackers Ban in India Today 2018 Updates:

देश में पटाखों के निर्माण, बिक्री व अपने पास रखने को लेकर सुप्रीम कोर्ट मंगलवार (23 अक्‍टूबर) को अहम फैसला सुनाया। उच्चतम न्यायालय ने केंद्र से दिल्ली और राष्ट्रीय राजधानी क्षेत्र में दीपावली एवं अन्य त्योहारों के दौरान सामुदायिक स्तर पर पटाखे छोड़े जाने को प्रोत्साहन देने के लिए कहा। दीपावली और अन्य त्योहारों पर पटाखे फोड़ने के लिए उच्चतम न्यायालय ने रात आठ बजे से रात दस बजे तक का समय तय किया।

शीर्ष अदालत ने पूरी तरह प्रतिबंध लगाने की बजाय कुछ शर्तें लगाई हैं। पटाखे बेचने के लिए लाइसेंस अनिवार्य होगा, इसके अलावा आनॅलाइन बिक्री पर बैन रहेगा। रात 8 से 10 बजे के बीच पटाखे जलाए जा सकेंगे। क्रिसमस व नववर्ष पर रात 11.45 से सुबह 12.45 तक पटाखे फोड़ने की अनुमति होगी। इनमें किसी तरह की ढिलाई का मतलब सुप्रीम कोर्ट की अवहेलना होगा।

देश में पटाखों के निर्माण, बिक्री व अपने पास रखने को लेकर सुप्रीम कोर्ट मंगलवार (23 अक्‍टूबर) को अहम फैसला सुनाया। उच्चतम न्यायालय ने केंद्र से दिल्ली और राष्ट्रीय राजधानी क्षेत्र में दीपावली एवं अन्य त्योहारों के दौरान सामुदायिक स्तर पर पटाखे छोड़े जाने को प्रोत्साहन देने के लिए कहा।

दीपावली और अन्य त्योहारों पर पटाखे फोड़ने के लिए उच्चतम न्यायालय ने रात आठ बजे से रात दस बजे तक का समय तय किया। शीर्ष अदालत ने पूरी तरह प्रतिबंध लगाने की बजाय कुछ शर्तें लगाई हैं। पटाखे बेचने के लिए लाइसेंस अनिवार्य होगा, इसके अलावा आनॅलाइन बिक्री पर बैन रहेगा। रात 8 से 10 बजे के बीच पटाखे जलाए जा सकेंगे। क्रिसमस व नववर्ष पर रात 11.45 से सुबह 12.45 तक पटाखे फोड़ने की अनुमति होगी। इनमें किसी तरह की ढिलाई का मतलब सुप्रीम कोर्ट की अवहेलना होगा।

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Neal Bhai has been involved in the Bullion and Metals markets since 1998 – he has experience in many areas of the market from researching to trading and has worked in Delhi, India. Mobile No. - 9899900589 and 9582247600

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