MCX Gold Silver Target Hit | Cover Your Losses With Neal Bhai

On today’s daily watchlist our main focus is Gold and the USD. After yesterday’s FOMC day the DXY broke the reversal pattern that we had been following for over a week now. We remain very long biased Gold, even more after yesterday’s Inflation speach by Chairman Powell.

The DXY broke with the revesal pattern at the 93 level and with the Federal Reserve keeping the pace on this round of QE we see even more downside in the near future. 

A decent start to trading on Wall Street after the Fed avoided a taper tantrum following its policy meeting on Wednesday.

It was a very balanced performance from Jerome Powell, a reflection of the wide range of views that clearly exist at the central bank. That will be tough to navigate over the coming months but the outcome should be favourable for investors. Tapering is coming but it won’t be rushed, a balance that suits the markets.

The committee now has time to better understand the impact the current wave of infections will have, see how the inflation picture evolves and gather more data on the economic recovery that has shown such promising signs.

I think this was the sensible and expected outcome which is why the markets haven’t moved in any significant way on the back of it. It’s a positive development, equities are a little better off, the dollar a tad softer and US yields have eased slightly. Future meetings won’t be so straight forward but I think this was the best outcome for this one.

Earnings back in focus as Amazon looks to get investors back on board

Which leaves investors to focus once again on earnings season. And so far it’s been very impressive, with big tech this week once again delivering some knockout figures. Their share prices haven’t been rewarded to a large extent, owing to their sky high expectations and various challenges in the months ahead.

Facebook smashed earnings and revenue forecasts but disappointed on future growth, with the company warning of slowing growth in the quarters ahead. While that will have been anticipated to some extent, it seems expectations are being pared back a little. The “metaverse” remains the ultimate goal for the company though and it’s that dream that will keep investors on board despite challenges with targeted advertising and restrictions being lifted.

Amazon is up next and given what we’ve seen this week, it wouldn’t surprise anyone to see the company also smash forecasts and keep the party going. At this point, it probably needs to as a failure to do so will probably be punished. But if its various competitors performances are anything to go by, I can’t see there being a problem. The question is how bullish will they be in their outlook as that’s been the downfall for many others.

US data disappointed ahead of the open, with advanced second quarter GDP rising only 6.5%, against expectations of closer to 8.5%. Although this was due to a drop in inventories so nothing to be too concerned about. At the same time, initial and continuing claims came in slightly higher than expected. That certainly justifies a more patient approach from the Fed though, which may explain the knee-jerk selling of the dollar, although it has since recovered the bulk of the losses.

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Gold breaks higher after the Fed

Gold saw some support in the aftermath of the Fed meeting on Wednesday but a breakout today has seen it really gather upward momentum. Now back well above $1,800 and with its sights set on the July peak around $1,833, things are about to get interesting again.

This falls around the 50 fib – June highs to lows – with the 61.8 fib falling just above $1,850. Should we get that far, this will be the big test. A break of this could be very bullish in the near-term for the yellow metal. With the dollar a little soft and the Fed keeping yields low, gold could get some love once

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Neal Bhai has been involved in the Bullion and Metals markets since 1998 – he has experience in many areas of the market from researching to trading and has worked in Delhi, India. Mobile No. - 9899900589 and 9582247600

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