Breaking News – Fed’s Vice Chairman Clarida: Would Not Agree That Fed Hikes Are Going Too Far Or Too Fast -Will Set Policy To Meet Congressional Goals

Fed’s Vice Chair Clarida: Gradual Approach Has Served The Fed Well – CNBC -Policy Rate Is Barely Above Inflation Rate -Fed Needs To Be Data dependent
Fed’s Vice Chairman Clarida: Being At Neutral Would Make Sense – CNBC
Fed’s Vice Chairman Clarida: Some Evidence Of Global Slowing
Fed’s Vice Chairman Clarida: Don’t’ Expect A Big Pickup In Inflation Next Year -We’re Certainly Not At Neutral Yet
Breaking News – Fed’s Vice Chairman Clarida: Would Not Agree That Fed Hikes Are Going Too Far Or Too Fast -Will Set Policy To Meet Congressional Goals
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Neal Bhai has been involved in the Bullion and Metals markets since 1998 – he has experience in many areas of the market from researching to trading and has worked in Delhi, India. Mobile No. - 9899900589 and 9582247600

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