Fund manager Paulson & Co. Inc, a shareholder of Callon Petroleum, is dropping its opposition to a merger between Callon and Carrizo Oil & Gas that could be the start of consolidation among smaller shale players after the massive Occidental-Anadarko deal.
Saudi Arabia and others in OPEC will more than make up the Oil Flow difference in our now Full Sanctions on Iranian Oil
White House: US, Saudi Arabia, UAE ‘Have agreed to assure that global demand is met as all Iranian oil is removed from the market’
Surge in U.S. Shale Hedging to Boost Drilling in 2018
Gold Silver Reports – Surge in U.S. Shale Hedging to Boost Drilling in 2018 – When oil prices rocketed toward $60 a barrel this fall, U.S. shale producers hedged more barrels of oil during the quarter than in at least three years, which could help propel the country to record crude production by next year.