अमेरिका-चीन ट्रेड वॉर पर वार्ता का पहला दिन, सीमित समझौते की बढ़ी उम्मीद

अमेरिका और चीन के बीच करीब 15 महीने से जारी ट्रेड वॉर से दुनिया को कुछ राहत मिलती दिख रही है. अमेरिका और चीन के वार्ताकारों के बीच गुरुवार को दो दिवसीय वार्ता का पहला दौर संपन्न हुआ है. कारोबार जगत को उम्मीद है कि दोनों देशों के बीच कुछ सीमित समझौता हो जाएगा और अमेरिका प्रस्तावित टैरिफ बढ़त को रोक देगा.


Threat of Contagion in Emerging Markets Deepens Commodity Risk – Gold Silver Reports

Gold Silver Reports (GSR)  — When Thailand devalued its currency two decades ago, few in global commodity markets took note. Within a year, the crisis morphed into an emerging-market rout that eviscerated the price of everything from crude oil to copper. Fast forward to today and Turkey is presenting a similar challenge. The lira plunged to a record low against the dollar this month, taking local stocks and bonds with it. Commodity markets have failed to react, with even gold unmoved by the chaos. Traders are focused more on Iranian sanctions, South American mine strikes and drought damage to crops, all of which point to higher, not lower, raw-material prices.  


Tallying Up the Trade-War Victims

Gold Silver Reports – Tallying Up the Trade-War Victims – President Donald Trump has taken flak for saying “trade wars are good and easy to win,” but merely responding “trade wars are bad and easy to lose” isn’t much more convincing. What we really need are hard numbers. In the latest corporate earnings season, we’re starting to get them.