ट्रेडिंग प्लान: अगस्त 2024 के लिए नवीनतम उपभोक्ता मूल्य सूचकांक (CPI) आंकड़ों से पता चला है कि अमेरिका में वार्षिक मुद्रास्फीति (inflation) दर लगातार पांचवें महीने धीमी होकर 2.5 प्रतिशत हो गई है।
Bear Market
Markets seen under pressure; Asia down as number of covid-19 cases rise
Asian shares faced another leg lower on Wednesday as the coronavirus sharply slows global growth, leading a gauge of world stocks to post its biggest quarterly decline in more than a decade and oil prices to trade near lows last seen in 2002.
It’s Blue Skies in Gold ETFs as Investors Flee Equity Turbulence
The $32.4 billion SPDR Gold Shares fund, ticker GLD, saw inflows of more than $643 million one day this week, the most since July 2016.
Spot Gold Watch in 2019
Spot Gold Watch in 2019 – Golden Opportunity – Gold bulls seized the initiative in the final months of 2018 and there’s plenty to suggest the haven may hold up.
Trade War Hits Stocks as $8 Trillion in Bear Market
Gold Silver Reports (GSR) – Trade War Hits Stocks as $8 Trillion in Bear Market — The MSCI Emerging Markets Index sank to the lowest in 10 months, while 18 out of 24 currencies tracked by Bloomberg fell. The Shanghai Composite Index has tumbled 20 percent from its peak in January, with China joining nations such as Turkey and Pakistan in crossing that threshold. The risk premium on sovereign bonds over U.S. Treasuries widened.