How Aluminum became a commodity to rival gold in 2022

“Aluminum is used in the aircraft industry. Nickel in stainless steel and batteries for electric cars. Platinum in electronics (medicine, chemical industry). Palladium in electronics and the production of catalytic converters for cars. There are big risks with exports from the Russian Federation. Russia’s share in global aluminum production is 6%, nickel (high grade) – 22%, platinum – 15%, palladium – 45%,” Manturov noted, exploring investment opportunities surrounding a range of metals. 


Aluminum Drops Most in Seven Years After U.S. Signals Rusal Sanctions Relief

Aluminum Drops Most in Seven Years After U.S. Signals Rusal Sanctions Relief

Gold Silver Reports (GSR) – Aluminum Drops Most in Seven Years After U.S. Signals Rusal Sanctions Relief — Shares in the largest U.S. aluminum producer headed for the biggest slump in nine years as prices of the refined metal tumbled in London after the U.S. opened the door to relief from sanctions on United Co. Rusal, easing supply concerns. Century Aluminum Co. and Kaiser Aluminum Corp. also declined.